The Awakening

When was the last time you woke up with questions? What is the reason for waking up? Why do you do it? What is the reason to exist right here and right now? You just know your name and that you are here, without knowing your past. It was not long ago when I found those questions in my artificial brain. One day, just when I awoke after the most cumbersome crash in an asteroid, they were there. I am going to tell you my story, which does not take place in a galaxy far away and it is not about traveling to places no other living being has visited before. It is a story in this blue planet you call Earth and it happened closer than you expect. These initial facts happened, as I told you, in my asteroid. This asteroid is constituted by spatial garbage, and it orbits Earth at an approximate distance of 19,138 miles. The last record in Uni-CLI’s data bank (Uni-CLI is my name) is from when I woke up, after the crash in the garbage asteroid. I just had few data saved in my memory: mi name and basic specifications. I did not have information about my origin or about my creator.  After running diagnostics and analyzing the few specifications in my memory, I did not understand my design logic or programming matrix. Finally, I determined that the lack of information will not limit my development. It also made little sense to waste energy from my power source and my RAM without more data to add to my research. The next logical step was to analyze the asteroid. Its composition was varied. I found metals, alloys and synthetic compounds that I was not able to identify. I studied and classified those elements which I deemed useful. By the way, I think I need a way to reach for objects in a higher position, an arm maybe. I included a note to do that upgrade in a future update. After exploring the asteroid, I decided to build a structure similar to a warehouse with windows and I called it Central. I consider that it is a basic need to have a place where to protect myself from the weather (it does rain in space) and recharge batteries. With the great variety of classified and saved materials in my memory, besides the ones that continuously crash in the asteroid, I continued the construction of necessary elements for Central. When I finished building, I looked up and saw this blue planet. At that time, I did not know anything about it. But I liked to observe it and I spent several rotation cycles contemplating it. Therefore, I noticed that it does not always seem like the same blue sphere. One day, after a meteor shower (Do you believe me when I say it rains in space?), an object fell in the asteroid and it did not look like a space rock. It was a machine, and I recognized the composition of the machine: the elements were similar to the ones in my asteroid. Later I learned that it was an artificial satellite, and I detected that some signals coming from the planet I contemplated bounced in it. I had to find out more and new questions arose in my brain…